Activity Kits
Highland Park and the Block Connector Program have organized a program designed to get neighbours interacting with each other while having fun! We have put together various “activity kits” which can be “booked out” for free to residents of Highland Park.
The following kits are available:
Pine Cone Bird Feeder Kit
Intended to allow residents to make their own bird feeder craft. Includes: pine cones, bird seed, and wire to hang it from a tree or other location.
Blooms Kit
Intended to allow a group of neighbours to plant wildflower seeds (many perennial seeds) and/or garlic bulbs to grow. Includes: potting soil, trowels, small plantable pots for soil & seeds (can go directly in the ground), garlic bulbs, flower seeds, Myke’s root booster.
Lemonade Stand Kit
Intended to allow residents to set up a lemonade stand (and either give away the lemonade, or sell it & keep the money). Includes: large container of lemonade powder, two jugs, a stirring spoon, 200 cups (recyclable), pre-made signs, blank paper, paints, paintbrushes, and markers to make your own signs, and hand sanitizer.
Animal Mask Kit
Intended to allow residents to make their own animal masks while someone reads the picture book “Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox”. Includes: the book “Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox”, a variety of basic masks, a variety of foam, felt, and paper bits to attach to the basic mask, glue dots and safety scissors.
Stories Kit
Intended to allow residents to add stories, drawings, and photos about any aspect of Highland Park. Includes: a binder with protective plastic sleeves, coloured paper, white paper, colouring pens, and glue dots.
Interested in getting one of these kits?
Activity kits are available to all residents of Highland Park for free. If you are interested in borrowing one of the kits above, please fill out the form below.