
Class Times and Fees

Registration for Sept. 2025-26 school year is now open!

2025/2026 Classes

4 Year Old Program

Monday/Wednesday/Friday mornings 9:00 am - 11:30 am

3 Year Old Program

Tuesday/Thursday mornings 9:00 am - 11:30 am

Combined 3/4 Year Old Program

Monday/Wednesday/Friday afternoons 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm

Tuesday/Thursday afternoons 12:30 pm - 3:00 pm


Fees for the 2.5 hrs morning or afternoon class per child per month:

2 days/week – $65 paid by families
(balance is covered by the $75 Childcare Affordability Grant)

3 days/week – $105 paid by families
(balance is covered by the $75 Childcare Affordability Grant)

5 days/Week- $245 paid by families

(balance for one class is covered by $75 Childcare Affordability Grant)

Options for combining to 5 days a week are:

Monday/Wednesday/Friday Morning class & Tuesday/Thursday afternoon class Monday/Wednesday/Friday Afternoon class &Tuesday/Thursday afternoon Class Tuesday/Thursday Morning class & Monday/Wednesday/Friday Afternoon Class

Highland Park Preschool also qualifies for the Alberta child care subsidy program. Families that qualify for subsidy pay no preschool fees once approved.
For more information, and to check eligibility, visit https://www.alberta.ca/child-care-subsidy.aspx.

Please note that children are not able to attend both the morning and afternoon program on the same day as per our licensing requirements.  

On a case by case basis, we may be able to offer program flexibility to better fit your family's needs. Please contact us for more information.