Receive the following benefits and more!
Get added to our contact list to receive occasional important info via email that may not be in our newsletters and receive info regards community events directly to your inbox
Have a voice to help make decisions at community meetings
Be able to access community run programs at a discount (ie. Senior's luncheon, community dinners, etc)
Rent our hall at a discounted rate.
Receive discounts on Home and Auto Insurance from Toole Peet Insurance (special rate available only to Community Association Members)
Supporting the Community Association in everything it does from hosting community events, running programs, hall improvements, representing the community on planning matters, etc.
HPCA Membership - Purchase yours today!
Please note:
After completing this form, an Interac e-Transfer® must be made to the following email before your membership can become active.
Individual Full Membership (Age 18-64) 10.00
Seniors Membership (Age 65 and up) 5.00
Family Full Membership (2 or more family members) 20.00
Associate Membership (Non Highland Park Resident) 10.00