President's Report

What a difference 8 years can make.

We moved to Highland Park in 2009. It was a deliberate decision to move into the inner-city to be closer to downtown, to the paths and to mature trees. The girls were still in elementary and junior high. After 3 years of living in the community, I realized we didn’t have a connection to our community. In 2012, I joined the Community Association Board so that we could feel more deeply connected to Highland Park, so the girls could meet friends and meet neighbours. I thought it was a unique opportunity to help the Board and bring a little more life to the Community Centre that had seemed to struggle over the years. Part professional development, mostly personal growth.

Through the course of my service to the CA I have been President for 6 (I think) of the 8 years. As a board we worked with neighbouring community associations on shared interests. We worked damn hard on the golf course file; we had protests, we collaborated, we took a stand—too far for some, not far enough for others. In 8 years, we renovated the Hall to incorporate the preschool, and we negotiated sub-leases with different tenants to ensure a regular income for the Hall. As a collective, we launched the preschool with passionate parents. We built a playground. Through the AGLC and our efforts to secure grants we have achieved a significant amount of financial security so that we can continue to renovate our gathering space, the hub of activity that is our Community Centre. We have events and music and food, and we gather to share our common bond of being in this community together.

My daughters grew up and met friends in the neighbourhood. We know our neighbours—we call so many people I have served with really good friends. My connection to Highland Park now runs deep. I feel a wonderful sense of gratitude for the opportunity to serve, to learn, to collaborate and to lead. I now present to you the unique opportunity to join the Highland Park Board of Directors to deepen your connection to our neighbourhood and to meet your neighbours.

I have served, and now it’s time to step down—the projects are plentiful, and the time is right for another to lead our little community. In the interest of new ideas, and new opinions, diversity and inclusion at the Board level, I encourage others from the Community to consider stepping forward and sharing with Highland Park.

With my deepest thanks for the last 8 years,

Elise Bieche