COVID-19 Block Connector Program

The HPCA Board, City of Calgary, and Carya have partnered together to create a program to support residents during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Block Connector program


The block connector program program connects neighbours living in close proximity so that they may share information, support one another, and build a sense of community during the COVID-19 pandemic.  The program may continue to operate following the pandemic to allow neighbours to maintain connections and a sense of community.

Participation in the program is voluntary and all contact between participants must respect current health advisories and directives. However, we think it will be a great way for neighbours to connect with one another (while maintaining physical distance), and for us to demonstrate that "we're all in this together".

How does it work?

“Block Connectors” will be identified for each neighbourhood block or small area (sometimes it will be for an apartment building or other cluster of homes).  Block Connectors will do the following:

  1. Introduce themselves to neighbours and explain what their role is (via phone or email),

  2. Share information with neighbours about local resources and supports,

  3. Connect with neighbours on a regular basis in order to reduce isolation and to learn about challenges people are facing,

  4. Help connect neighbours with one another.

We will provide support, training, and reimbursement for the cost of a Police Check for all those HPCA residents who are selected as volunteer Block Connectors.

How can you get involved?

There’s a few ways you can get involved including:

  1. Volunteer to be a Block Connector,

  2. Volunteer to support the program in other ways,

  3. Join your existing Block Connector group,

  4. Help get the word out about this program!

If you want to be involved, please complete Highland Park's secure survey here: click for survey.